FujiNet for Apple II & III

USD $99.95

FujiNet for Apple II & III Computers emulates the following: SmartPort drives (HDV, PO, 2MG), Disk II (WOZ, PO [140k], DSK), CP/M, clock, modem, and printer. The clock, modem, and printer are presented as SmartPort devices and, therefore, require software or ROM support (e.g., printer support is available via a custom Apple IIc ROM on that model).

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FujiApple: the Apple II & III FujiNet

The “production ready” version of the FujiApple, Rev1, was released in June 2023. A SmartPort-enabled Apple II/III is required for most functions (see below for expansion card combinations providing SmartPort functionality for non-SmartPort-native Apples).

FujiNet emulates the following: SmartPort drives (HDV, PO, 2MG), Disk II (WOZ, PO [140k], DSK), CP/M, clock, modem, and printer. The clock, modem, and printer are presented as SmartPort devices and, therefore, require software or ROM support (e.g., printer support is available via a custom Apple IIc ROM on that model).

CP/M support is via a fully emulated RunCPM environment with storage provided by the built-in microSD slot.

Product Contains:
  • FujiNet for Apple II & III
  • Apple II DB-19 to IDC-20 Female Adapter
  • Apple II DB19 to IDC-20 Male Adapter
  • Apple III IDC-26  to IDC-20 Adapter
  • 30cm IDC20 Female to Male cable
  • 30cm IDC20 Female to Female cable
  • Two different lengths of thumbscrews
    • Two 1.375″ thumbscrews for use with IIe/III
    • Two 1.5″ thumbscrews for use with IIc/gs/+

Getting to Know Your FujiNet

  • The FujiNet will obtain power from the SmartPort cable and power itself when the Apple is turned on. There is no power switch for your FujiNet.
  • FujiNet has a push/push MicroSD slot. An SD card is not required for use. The SD card must be formatted FAT32. The exFAT format is not supported.
  • There are 2 status LEDs: white is the WiFi connection, amber/yellow is the bus activity status (SmartPort/Disk II).
  • There are 2 buttons: Button A (Function To Be Determined) and Reset
  • There is one IDC20 port for SmartPort/Disk II connections with the suitable cable/adaptor based on interface/controller

Supported Apple II & III Systems


  • Apple IIgs
  • Apple IIc (SmartPort functionality not available on ROM 255)
  • Apple IIc+

With SmartPort Card

  • Apple II+
  • Apple IIe
  • Apple IIe Enhanced/Platinum
  • Most clones of the above machines
  • Apple III & III+

SmartPort Cards

Extensively Tested and working

  • KBOOHK softSP Card v6 (or newer) and I/O Controller/5.25 Drive Controller Card
  • A2Pico with softSP v6 (or newer)
  • Grappler+ w/ DIY softSP (E)EPROM v6 (or newer) and I/O Controller/5.25 Drive Controller Card
  • SuperSerial w/ DIY softSP (E)EPROM v5 and I/O Controller/5.25 Drive Controller Card
    • SSC softSP v5 in slot 5, Disk II in slot 6


While the original Disk II interface card will work with SoftSP cards to provide SmartPort + Disk II Drive 1 functionality (or Drive 2 if Fujinet is plugged into the second header), the ease with which the IDC20 cable can be offset by one row or column of pins (which will cause damage to hardware) makes this a less than ideal configuration.

If you only have a Disk II card available with your FujiNet, it is advisable to check the alignment of the plug on the header at least twice before powering the equipment up. Make sure no pins are visible outside the IDC20 plug.

Minimally tested and Issues

  • Apple Liron: SmartPort mode only, no Disk II mode
  • Yellowstone (currently not working for Apple III)
    • Must be used with IDC20 cable only, no DB19 Adapter

“Solo” 5.25″ Disk Controller Cards (no softSP)

  • Original Disk II Interface Card with two IDC20 headers (16 sector PROMs only)
  • Apple I/O Controller/5.25 Drive Controller with DB19 connector

Supported Drive Types by Interface Card/Computer

Card/Computer SmartPort Disk II D11 Disk II D21
Disk II Interface Card (IDC20) Y2 Y3 Y3
I/O Controller/5.25 Drive Controller (DB19) Y2 Y Y
LIRON Card (DB19) Y N N
Yellowstone (IDC20)4,5 Y Y Y
Apple IIc ROM 255 (DB19) N N Y6
Apple IIc ROM 0, 3, 4 (DB19) Y N Y
Apple IIc+ (DB19) Y Y Y
Apple IIgs (DB19) Y Y Y
Apple III/III+ (IDC26/DB25)7 Y8 Y3 Y3
  1. Disk II emulation is currently Read Only (Aug 2024).
  2. With SoftSP card or equivalents.
  3. Only one Disk II can be emulated, depending on how FujiNet is connected – Drive 1 when connected to the Apple II Interface Card’s Drive 1 header or Apple III/III+’s internal drive header, or Drive 2 when connected to the Apple II Interface Card’s Drive 2 header or Apple III/III+’s external port. Load disk image into FujiNet’s Disk II Drive 1 slot, which is presented to the interface as the sole emulated Disk II. Apple III/III+ requires 26-pin to 20-pin adaptor.
  4. Must be used with IDC20 cable, not DB19 adaptor. Yellowstone acts in either SmartPort or Disk II mode, not both at the same time.
  5. Not currently working for Apple III/III+.
  6. When plugged into Apple IIc ROM 255’s external DB19 floppy port.
  7. Requires driver. The internal port is IDC26, the external port for Apple III is IDC26, and for Apple III+ is DB25.
  8. With SoftSP card (or equivalent) via 26-pin to 20-pin adaptor cable or LIRON card, supports only the first two SmartPort block devices.

Support Image Types by Drive Type

SmartPort Y1 N Y Y Y
Disk II Y Y2 Y2 N N
  1. ProDOS images only.
  2. 5¼” images only.

Additional documentation about setup and usage is available in the Apple II & III Quickstart Guide on the FujiNet wiki.

Additional information

Weight 4 oz
Dimensions 6 × 3 × 2 in


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