Eighty Column Dumb Terminal for the Atari ATR-8000.Â
DT-8O is a cartridge designed to give ATR-8000 CP/M users access to a full 80 by 24 screen without the expense of an 80-column board. DT-80 uses the Atari’s internal display hardware to show remarkably legible characters in a 4 by 8 matrix, allowing the full 80-column screen width.
Now works with the FujiNet CP/M emulation just like the ATR-8000. Simply insert the DT-80 cartridge into your computer and boot up the computer with the FujiNet attached and you will be in CP/M using an 80 character wide display!
The display is best on an Atari connected to a monochrome monitor, but it is readable on a black & white TV, a color monitor, and even a color TV. Stray colors, called artifacts, are a natural by-product of Atari’s high-resolution graphics, and they limit DT-80’s usefulness with a color display. It is recommended that you have a video upgrade on your system such as UAV, Sophia, or the Super Color CPU Card for the best video quality.
Works with the Atari 800 and all XL/XE 8 8bit computers.
When used with FujiNet, it will boot into FujiNet CP/M.
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