The A8PicoCart is a multi-cart for the Atari 8-bit (XL/XE).
When plugged into a PC by USB, it becomes a Mass Storage device, allowing ROM/CAR/XEX & ATR files to be copied to the cartridge. When plugged into an Atari, these files are shown on the menu, and the device will either emulate the selected cartridge type or act as an XEX file launcher. It also has (very) limited support for ATR files allowing you to do some programming and save your work to an ATR file.
DT-8O is a cartridge designed to give ATR-8000 CP/M users access to a full 80 by 24 screen without the expense of an 80-column board. Now fully supports the FujiNet CP/M Emulator!
A great way to hook up your vintage Atari 8-bit computer to your modern computer in order to transfer files back and forth between the vintage and modern device.
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