
What is #FujiNet?
(400, 800, XL and XE series, and XEGS)
#FujiNet is a network adapter that attaches to the SIO (Peripheral) port of an Atari 8-bit computer system to a WiFi network; however, it has become an all-encompassing SIO peripheral emulator. The current hardware is a design based on the ESP32-WROVER module and contains a custom 3D printed SIO Plug and Receptacle, allowing users to attach real SIO devices simultaneously with #FujiNet.
The #FujiNet device provides the following services:
Device | Description | Notes |
C: (Cassette Drive) | Loads CAS images. | Currently Working |
D: (Disk Drive) | Load floppy disk images from onboard MicroSD or networked TNFS server. Supports ATR, ATX, and XEX formats. | Currently Working |
R: (Modem) | 850 Modem emulation, supports Type 1 Poll to load handler. Works with existing communications programs such as Ice-T, BobTerm, AMODEM, PLATOTERM, and BBS servers. | Currently Working |
P: (Printer) | Printer output saved to PDF files downloadable from the device. Available Printers: 820, 822, 825, 1020, 1025, 1027, 1029, Espon 80, Okimate 10, HTML for copy/paste, GRANTIC Screen Printer. Example 822 Printouts (PDF): Text & Graphics. | Currently Working |
N: (Network) | NEW networking device. #FujiNet configuration commands in place and working (WiFi, mounting, etc). | TCP/UDP working. Handler in progress. |
Other | SIO2BT Bluetooth Connection. Apetime Real Time Clock (NTP). SAM Text To Speech as a printer, voice output from #FujiNet to Atari (Video with explanation, WAV File & SAM short video). MIDIMaze network gaming in progress (Video) | In Progress. |
There is no official documentation for the FujiNet; however, there are some fantastic resources available online.
These resources are invaluable for getting the most out of your FujiNet. There are also many videos on YouTube about FujiNet. The FujiNet is still in active development and the software changes frequently so it is a good idea to keep an eye on the Wiki and the main GitHub of the project for the latest updates and information.
Special Thanks too:
- Joe Honold (@mozzwald) – He does the hardware. The reason this thing exists in the first place. He wanted to make a modem and decided to hook up all the things. He also did the MODEM emulation and implemented the MIDIMAZE mode in the Firmware. Built and shipped most of the prototypes. Runs fujinet.online. Releases the firmware.
- Thomas Cherryhomes (@tschak) – He does the firmware. Saw @mozzwald’s design and asked, “Is the COMMAND line hooked up?” and wrote the first Arduino sketches that booted a disk from the network. Writes the Atari side of the software in addition to the firmware. Makes endless videos and promotion. The mouth of the project. Runs atari-apps.irata.online and homesoft.irata.online, and… irata.online 🙂
- Jeff Piepmeier (@jeffpiep) – He saw what @mozzwald and @tschak were doing and said, “gosh, it’d be swell to make a virtual printer!” and in the process started the work to merge together the dozens of Arduino sketches that each did one function, into a cohesive single code-base running under Platform.IO, effectively making the first production firmware. He also ported SAM and works on the cassette code, and lots of other bits.
- Oscar Fowler (@omf) – He stumbled onto Discord one day, saw what we were doing, and said, “gosh this is neat!” and proceeded to hack on the firmware with @tschak. Is responsible for moving the code-base from Arduino to the ESP32 ESP-IDF vendor toolkit, giving us ultimate control over the ESP32 microcontroller. He also did performance enhancements to the TNFS protocol that we’re borrowing from the Spectranet project in the form of protocol extensions.
- Marcin Sochacki (@Montezuma) – Added SIO2BT support, effectively giving us a use case for the Bluetooth transceiver on every #FujiNet
- Steve Boswell (@a8bit) – Designed and Built the dozen or so Mars Bar prototypes when the project was still on ESP8266. Gave us the wonderful logo. Runs tnfs.atari8bit.net, one of the reasons FujiNet is being embedded into upcoming Atari 8-bit systems.
- Bocianu Boczansky – Made extensions to TNFS for statistical reporting. Writer of ChessNet, Shoutbox, and more upcoming #FujiNet software. Helps work on the Atari side of the software.